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Tuesday 27 December 2011



Arrgghh!!! x suke nyew!!dah nak abis cuti...lagi brape ari jer nak balik sekolah balik!!!
MAN!!i don't want to back to school!!!please!! GOD!!help me!!!
WAAAHHHHH!!!!! it's going to be hoerrible year 4 me!!!
i'm going to start a new way of life there!!!
HOPE SO!!!coz' i guess i wanna be a betther person!!if i could to!!
and i really hope that my result will be okay!!!and much2 better than this year!!!
huhu!!that's my mission 4 tis whole year!!hhmmmm...i guess i must stop writing rite now...
coz' i wanna sleepp....i'm really tired!!walking around the neighbourhood!!!it was so much fun!!but yet, tiring...
just like other people say....exercise..and exercise!~!!!!

TeeHee :)


Monday 19 December 2011

Friday 16 December 2011


kat sembrong!!!!miss uuu!!!

Thursday 15 December 2011



" Dah setahun..ayah dah x dew....rse cam sekejap sngt...and of course, i miss him...
i will never find a man like him...NEVER!! to me, he's PERFECT...
and..i wish i could hug him...for last time...
i also wish that he will always be there...whenever i feel sad...or even happy..
coz' i want to share that moment wif him...like we always do..be4...
even though hes gone...
and to me...this 'goodbye'...doesn't mean..
goodbye 4 eva...and i just want to say..i'm sorry if i ever..ever...hurt ur feelings when u still here wif me...
and i'll remember every single words that u left 4 me....
the most memorable words.....
that...you said to me..
you are my angel..and u will always be my baby..
i'll keep that in my deepest heart....i hope u do it too.....
I MISS U AYAH...and i really miss...calling the word..."AYAH..."

-ur baby-